"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының жанындағы  Степногорск қаласының жоғары колледжі " мемлекеттік коммуналдық қазыналық кәсіпорны
Государственное коммунальное казенное предприятие "Высший колледж города Степногорск  при управлении образования Акмолинской области"

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«    Наурыз 2025    »    

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Methodical development of the lesson on the topic: Country studies. Sights.


The theme of our lesson is “Country studying”. Our aims today are formation and summarization of the knowledge on the theme “Country studying” by integration of the English and German languages. For the reaching of the aims of the lesson we have to solve the following goals:

1.      Consolidations of the knowledge of the geography and culture of England and Germany., 2.      Formation of the entire attitude to the culture of the countries of learning languages., 3.      Development of the group work.

2. Үй жұмысы. Проверка домашнего задания:  Presentations of the students about their countries.

3.Жаңа материалды оқып білу. Изучение нового материала:

Учитель английского: Thank you for your presentations and let’s continue our lesson.

Our first task is “Match the proverbs”. There are Russian proverbs and English and German equivalents. You should find and match them. You have 5 minutes. You’ll get one dollar.

My house is my castle

Eigenes Nest hält wie eine Mauer fest.

Мой дом – моя крепость.

East or West, home is best

Ost und West, daheim das Best

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше

People who live in glass houses should never throw stones.

Wer im Glashaus sitzt, sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen.

Не руби сук, на котором сидишь

There is no place like home.

Daheim ist es am besten

(Родной) дом - самое лучшее место. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Every country has its customs.

Jedes Land hat seine Sitten.

У каждой страны свои обычаи. Что город, то норов.

So many countries, so many customs.

Andere Länder,

andere Sitten

Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.

When at Rome, do as Romans do.

Wenn in Rom, tun, wie Römer tun.


Когда находишься в Риме, поступай как римляне. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.

Every dog is a lion at home.

Jeder Hahn ist König auf seinem Mist

Каждая собака – лев дома.

Всяк кулик на своем болоте велик.

Dry bread at home is better

than roast meat abroad.

Zu Gast sein ist gut, zu Hause sein ist besser

Сухой хлеб дома лучше жареного мяса за границей.

Дома и солома съедобна.

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

He has no home whose home is


Er hat keine Heimat, deren Heimat ist überall.

У того нет дома, у кого он везде.

Учитель немецкого языка: Und jetzt lassen wir uns spielen. Da gibts fünf Kategorie:

1.      Geography;

2.      Beruhmte Leute;

3.      Traditions and holidays;

4.      Sehenswürdigkeiten;

5.      Literature.

Ihr wird die Punkten für jede anwort kriegen.


10. Wie ist die Hauptstadt Detschlands?  (C. Berlin)

20. What is the  symbol of England? (B. Red rose)

30. Aus wieviel Bundeslandern  besteht Deutschland? (C. 16 Bundeslander)

40. What is the most populated part of the United Kingdom?  (D. England)

50. Wie heiβt Deutschland offiziel? (C. Bundesrepublic Deutschland) Beruhmte Leute

10. Who is the head of the United Kingdom? (A. Elitabeth II)

20.  Das berühmte Top-Model aus Deutschland. (A. Heidi Klum)

30.  The composer who became deaf at a young age and continued to write music. (A. Beethoven)

40.  Das ist ein grosser deutscher Physiker. Er erarbeitete  die Grundlagen der Relativitatstheorie. (D. Albert Einstein)

50.  Guess who is the singer? (The Beatles)

Traditions and holidays

10. What holiday do people celebrate on the 25th of December? (A. Christmas)

20.  Dieses Fest findet im Oktober  statt. Die Menschen trinken viel Bier. (C. Octoberfest)

30.  Was bekommen  die ABC-Schuler am 1. September? Dort gibt es Bonbons, Schokolade, Geschenke. (D. Die Zuckertute)

40. What is the traditional English drink?  (C. Tea)

50.  Sehen Sie sich bitte an das Schirm. Wie sind Osternsymbole? (B. Eier und Hase) Sehenswürdigkeiten

10. Wie heisst dieser Platz? (C. Alexanderplatz)

20.  What is the residence of the Queen in London? (A. Buckingham Palace)

30.  Name the river on which London stands. (C. Thames)

40.  Wie heiβt  die Hauptstrasse in Berlin? (B. Unter den Lindern)

50.  Look at the screen. Why did the Trafalgar Square get its name? (D. After the Battle (The Trafalgar Battle))


10. Who is a famous detective of London, the character of the book of Arthur Conan Doyle? (C. Sherlock Holms)

20. Das ist ein grosser deutscher Dichter. Sein berumtestes Werk ist “Faust”. (C. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

30. Die deutschen  Märchenerzähler: (A. Grimm)

40. Who is the author of the famous play “Romeo and Juliet”? (B. William Shakespeare)

50.  What is the name of a famous English writer who created “The Lord of the Rings” (C. John Ronald Tolkien)

4. Қорытындылау. Подведение итогов: Завершающая часть.Выставление оценок.

Учитель английского: And now let’s countthe points. The team winner get “5” for today’s lesson.





























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